
Be Careful Of Arthritis If You Feel These Symptoms

Arthritis is an infection of the joints that can affect single or multiple joints. There are many different types of arthritis with different causes, symptoms and treatment methods. Arthritis is most commonly seen in people over the age of 60, but it can also develop in teens, children, and youngsters. Arthritis is more common in women than men and it is mostly in people who are overweight. The symptoms of arthritis normally develop over time, but they may also appear suddenly.

Here are some symptoms that are commonly seen in Arthritis patients:

Joint Pain

Joint pain from arthritis is caused by the inflammation present in a joint when the disease is active. Joint pain can also occur when the disease is inactive or controlled if the joint has been damaged by arthritis in the past. Active arthritis causes the joint to swell because of both thickening of the joint lining tissue and because of excess joint fluid.

Joint Tenderness

Arthritis typically leads to the tenderness of involved joints. This is because the inflamed joint lining tissue has aggravated the nerves in the joint capsule. When the irritated joint capsule is condensed by external pressure, such as from touching the joint, it is normally tender. The pain elicited from compression is immediate. This is one of the reasons that arthritis can lead to difficulty sleeping.

Joint Swelling

Swollen joints are very common in arthritis. Sometimes the joint swelling is minimal and can be difficult to realize. Other times the joint swelling is very apparent. Normally, people who are affected by rheumatoid arthritis can easily tell when their joints are swollen. The joint swelling can direct to loss of range of movement of the joint. Joint swelling in the fingers can make it tough to get rings off and on easily.

Joint Warmth

Warmth of the joints affected by arthritis is a sign of active inflammation. Doctors look for joint warmth as they check the activity of the disease. As arthritis responds to treatment, joint warmth resolves. Sometimes joint warmth is present without noticeable joint redness or swelling.

Loss of Joint Range of Motion

As the joints of arthritis become more inflamed with active disease, they tend to have an incomplete range of motion. The range of motion is restricted by the swelling inside the joint. This is typically associated with weakness in the affected areas. Joints affected by longstanding arthritis commonly lose range of motion permanently.

Joint Deformity

Joint deformity can occur from chronic arthritis. Deformity in arthritis occurs because the unchecked inflammation leads to both, erosion of cartilage and bone as well as ligament loosening. Early detection and treatment of arthritis is critical to prevent permanent joint deformity and joint destruction.

Joint Deformity

Joint deformity can occur from chronic arthritis. Deformity in arthritis occurs because the unchecked inflammation leads to both, erosion of cartilage and bone as well as ligament loosening. Early detection and treatment of arthritis is critical to prevent permanent joint deformity and joint destruction.

Loss of Joint Function

Because rheumatoid arthritis leads to swelling, pain, and tenderness of the involved joints, there is loss of joint function. The swelling and sensitivity impede the full motion and stability of the joint and it becomes incapable of carrying the movement with balance, confidence, and completeness. This loss of joint function leads to limping, loss of grip and dexterity, lack of coordination, and disability.

So, whenever you see these symptoms, then quickly visit your doctor without wasting time.