
Different Types Of Major Depression You May Not Know About

It’s common to experience sadness sometimes, but if you experience it frequently and it interferes with your everyday life, you may suffer clinical depression. It’s a condition that can be managed with medication, therapy sessions, and lifestyle adjustments.

Depression can take many different forms. It can be caused due to any life events, chemical changes in the brain or any other reason. Firstly, you must consult with doctor about the symptoms of the type of depression, you are suffering from. To determine the sort of depression you are experiencing, they could also suggest that you must speak with a mental health professional.

Major Disorder:

Your doctor might refer to this as “major depressive illness.” If you experience depression most of your days of the week, you may have this type.


  • Not able to sleep or sleep a lot
  • Feeling uncomfortable and restless
  • Being exhausted and feeling worthless
  • Lack of energy
  • Difficulty focusing or making decisions
  • Ideas of suicide

If you have five or more of these symptoms daily for two weeks, your doctor may determine that you suffer from severe depression. Depending on how you feel because of your depression, it might be:

Anxious Distress:

In anxious distress, you find it difficult to focus because you are afraid that something terrible might happen and you might lose control of yourself.

Melancholy Distress:

You will experience extreme sadness and lose interest in what you formerly enjoyed when you are in a melancholy scenario. Even when nice things happen, you still feel horrible.

You might also feel:

  • Significantly depressed in the mornings
  • Gain weight
  • Develop suicidal thoughts
  • Poor sleep

When you first wake up in the morning, melancholy depression symptoms may be at their worst. Ask someone to assist you with your morning tasks. Even if you don’t feel hungry, remember to eat frequently.

Agitated Distress:

Most of the time, in this circumstance, you feel anxious. You might experience:

  • Talk more
  • Act impulsively, such as by pacing around the room and fidgeting with your hands

Talk therapy is beneficial. A mental health professional will help you identify solutions to manage your depression throughout your consultation. Antidepressant medications can also be helpful.

All are intended to increase activity in specific parts of the brain. This improves the functionality of the areas of your brain that manage your mood.

Persistent depressive disorder:

This phrase refers two illnesses formerly known as chronic major depressive disorder and dysthymia.

You might experience signs like:

  • The way you eat has changed
  • Excessive or insufficient sleep,
  • A lack of vitality
  • A low sense of yourself
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Having no hope

Bipolar Disorder:

A person with bipolar illness, which is frequently, referred to as “manic depression,” experiences mood swings that range from intense bursts of energy and an “up” attitude to depressing lows. The signs of severe depression will appear when you are in a low phase.

Regardless of whether you are going through a high or low point, your doctor might recommend a mood stabilizer like lithium.

The medication to combat this depression:

  • Combination of latuda
  • Olanzapine and fluoxetine
  • Seroquel

Doctors occasionally recommend off-label treatments for bipolar depression, including the anticonvulsant lamotrigine and the typical antipsychotic vraylar.

Because there is no evidence from trials that traditional antidepressants are more effective than a placebo in treating depression in people with bipolar illness, they are not always advised as first-line therapies. Conventional antidepressants may also, in a tiny percentage of bipolar patients, increase the likelihood of a “high” phase of the illness or quicken the frequency of suffering further episodes over time.

Seasonal Affective Disorder:

Major depression most frequently occurs in the winter when the days are shorter, and you receive less and less sunlight is known as a seasonal affective disorder. This disorder reduces in spring or summer seasons. Antidepressants can be beneficial if you are suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Psychotic Depression:


  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Paranoia

Antidepressant and antipsychotic medications can be used in conjunction to treat psychotic depression.

Peripartum Depression:

Women who experience significant depression in the weeks and months following childbirth may experience peripartum depression. A little more than one in ten males also experience peripartum depression. Like how severe depression unrelated to delivery is treated, antidepressant medication can be helpful.

Depression is a severe illness that significantly impacts one’s way of life. It must be treated as soon as possible to prevent it from worsening.  Various treatments are available today, which can be used to treat different types of depression.

If you are experiencing any type of depression, you must fight it and lead a regular life. We must assist anyone in your family or circle of friends experiencing depression to recover from this grave illness. We must also inspire them to live and love their life as we all do.