
Symptoms Of Excessively Yawning

Most people believe that if someone is repeatedly yawning, they are either sleepy or feeling excessively bored. When your body suffers from the lack of oxygen, feels bored and less energetic, your brain indicates this condition as yawning. The body inhales an increased amount of oxygen by yawning as compared to normal breathing to keep you awake and energetic. This condition usually happens when you are sleepy or tired or not interested and bored with what is happening around you. You can say yawning is contagious because when one person in a group yawns, it happens that others will also yawn unintentionally. Most experts believe that yawning works to cool down your brain’s temperature. When someone is yawning more than once every minute, it is known as extreme yawning. Generally, it is not a severe condition, but it indicates an underlying medical condition requiring attention when you get familiar with it.

So it is crucial to look for associated symptoms that can indicate an underneath health problem. People dealing with insomnia or sleep disturbances yawn excessively, and they have to face other issues such as reduced energy levels, lack of concentration, attention, and other related issues. Here are some medical conditions that cause excessive yawning:

Sleeping issues

One of the common reasons behind excessive yawning is tiredness or fatigue. When you spend extra hours working than the average time you actually spent, you face difficulty getting enough sleep due to the uncertain sleeping and waking time. This often causes you to sleep during the day, enhances tiredness, difficulty in focusing, and lack of attention. If it is a temporary issue, you don’t need to worry, but if it becomes a chronic issue, you should see your physician for guidance. You may not recognize that you are suffering from a sleeping disorder. Other signs that suggest a sleep problem may be causing excessive yawning, including irritable feeling, weakness or aching muscles, difficulty concentrating, unmotivated feelings, and slower responses.

Depression and Anxiety

When you are anxious or depressed, the heart rate, breathing, and stress levels keep you awake at night, and as a result, you yawn, feel stressed, and breathless. When you suffer from anxiety, you will find that you are yawning more frequently than others or more oftentimes. Anxiety and depression not only affect your sleep, but they cause you to yawn more often. Suffering from anxiety or depression make you repeatedly yawn, so you should discuss this with your physician, who can provide definite treatment options and check for other issues.


Heart Problems

Excessive yawning can be associated with the vagus nerve, which moves from the brain’s base to the torso and further down to the heart then to the stomach. The nerve is hyperactive, and it can cause a drop in the heart rate and breathing level, which is also known as a vasovagal reaction. Excessive yawning can be a signal of bleeding throughout the heart or heart-failure sometimes. Some other signs that indicate a heart problem include severe pain in the upper body or chest, shortness of breath, nausea, and lightheadedness.

Excessive yawning is harmless, but sometimes it can be a sign of severe underlying disease that can affect your heart and health. So, if you are yawning excessively for a long time, you should not ignore this before it’s too late.